Paris, 18th – 19th of July

Innovative Governance: Trends and Challenges
The ESSCA School of Management and the International Public Management Network were proud to welcome the 23rd IPMN Conference that took place on 18-19th of July at ESSCA Campus in Paris. To the 2019 conference over 50 international researchers coming from all five continents participated, 10 parallel sessions took place and 30 presentations were held.
We hope that you stay in touch with the your fellow researchers and are looking forward to meet again at next year’s IPMN annual conference. Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to the team at ESSCA School of Management, to Dr. Roula Masou, Chairperson of 2019 IPMN Conference, to Dr. Jean Charroin, Dean & CEO of ESSCA School of Management, to Pr. Guillaume Schier, Research Dean, to Pr. Albrecht Sonntag, to Pr. Thomas Hoerber and to Felix Scheuenstuhl for their encouraging support and cooperation
It was a real pleasure to organize and host the 23rd IPMN conference and welcome you all at our campus ESSCA Paris. All the energy, time and efforts involved, it was all worth it! Dr. Roula Masou

Welcome Video
Click on the image to start the video.

The following topics are proposed, but the confernces is not limited to this list:
- Global perspectives on Innovation and Governance
- Governance and performance management through Reform and Innovation of State and Local Authorities
- Sustainability, ethics, responsibility and public administration
- Collaborative governance: models, experience and challenges
- Public-private partnerships, leadership development and strategic HRM
Keynote Speakers

Pr. Dr. Ines Mergel
Professor of Public Administration, Fellow National Academy of Public Administration, Department of Politics and Public Administration at University of Konstanz

Pr. Gregg Van Ryzin
Co-Director, Centre for Experimental and Behavioural Public Administration (CEBPA), School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University-Newark
Pr. Alex Murdock
Professor Emeritus, London South Bank University, UK, Co-Editor, International Public Management Review
Chairperson Organizing Commitee
Dr. Roula Masou
Associate Professor, ESSCA School of Management, France
New Public Management (NPM) was a real intellectual revolution according to Hood (1991) through its promotion of a new model of public governance (Osborne et al., 2010). It aimed in particular at integrating innovation, creating a closer link between public organizations and their users, or “customers”, and promoting the transformation of these organizations. Innovation is considered as the key element of good governance and promoted to cope with the bureaucratic issues. Innovation is perceived as an antidote against administration deficiencies, whereas it enables the construction of a new process and a collective capacity aiming at reducing non-desirable consequences that would otherwise result from bureaucratic problems.
Innovation has spread around the world from the private sector to governments and public service organizations. It has increasingly become a leading topic in political and administrative discourse, innovation is now widely seen as a promising driver of public service improvement (Damanpour and Schneider 2009; Walker 2006).
The heated debate on the real potential of innovation within modern governments arises from the awareness that current design of public policy and implementation are likely to produce an alarming social and public value decline as well as administration shortcomings. This point is particularly relevant when considering the important role citizen trust in government plays in shaping not only accountability, but also citizen responses to innovation. All told, the complex relationship between innovative activity and public service performance, which is of great theoretical and practical interest.
This conference addresses multifaceted dimensions of innovation and governance, reflecting the diverse efforts and experiences of different societies in improving performance and accountability. Theoretical and empirical papers, particularly comparative studies across different cities either in the same or different countries, are encouraged.
Written by Dr. Roula Masou (January, 2019)
ESSCA School of Management & International Public Management Network
1st of March 2019 Abstract submission
1st of April 2019 Notification for abstract Acceptance
1st of June 2019 Deadline for full paper submission and Registration
Conference Date
18th - 19th July 2019